Sunday 22 July 2012

Time is Fleeting

Time, time time.
So fleeting.
I wake up in the morning at seven, and before I can even blink, the 54,000 seconds in my day have passed and it's 10PM.
The horror.
And yet, I've seemed to get nothing done!
Where has the time gone?
One minute, I have hours, the next thing I know, I'm internally shouting

"Oh my ears and whiskers, how late it's getting!"

You'd think what with having 24 hours in a day, things wouldn't get left to the last minute, but they always seem to!
Well, really, we only have 86,400 seconds in a day.
Thinking in terms of seconds, and it suddenly seems like so much less.

However, if you think about it...
We spend around 8 hours sleeping, (tsk, silly humans, the recommended sleeping period is 9.20 hours!) Then around 7 hours at school (or more, when one is working!), and already 15/24 hours are gone!
Though, you'd think nine hours would be plenty of time... but let's not forget that hour you need to get ready in the morning, and that hour of 'recuperation' when you finally get home. Then there's meals, travel time, extra/co-curricular... The list goes on.
So, let's say we get around 4-6 hours of 'free time'.
(Not factoring in homework etc.)
Still, where does all the time go?
I suppose, for now, that will remain a mystery...

But, speaking of time, just some random facts because I simply haven't the time to continue writing this!:
It takes the Earth approximately 513,000 minutes to orbit the sun, and that's at travelling at 30Kmh/s!
(Very, very fast.)
On average, you actually only spend around 40 minutes eating every day! opposed to spending 1 1/2 years or more of your life sitting on the toilet...
1 in 4 people spend more time online than they do asleep!
and, finally...
We spend approximately 14256 hours of our lives at school (depending on attendance etc)
Well, have a fun day!~ ^^

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